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Peach Berry

Horror Author

Peach has written stories and poetry, particularly in the paranormal genre, since she was very young. Her fascination with ghost stories started at a very early age, when she would save up her pocket money to buy books about the paranormal and conduct ghost hunts at her primary school with unwilling fellow schoolmates at the supposedly-haunted ‘Treetops’ house. She cites the work of Susan Hill, Stephen King and James Herbert as some of her biggest writing influences, though it doesn’t hurt to be a die-hard heavy metal fan too!
‘A Bag of Souls’ is Peach’s first collection of short stories, though she has several half-finished novels to finish and a whole wealth of creepy characters to introduce.
Peach hails from the wilds of Somerset originally, but now resides in Nottingham with her daughter Daisy. When she isn’t writing books or making up faces, Peach is a keen reader, dressmaker, collector of vintage and macabre treasures, drinker of gin and avid gig-goer.


A great writer puts you there...'Im there!' fabulous creative writing totally enjoying, I also think the way Peach Berry has structured it is epic......look forward to more books from this talented lady.
~ Amazon Customer

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