Alison M Lowther
Alison lives on the outskirts of Edinburgh where she has a small business offering alternative healing therapies. She is a Reiki Master healer and practitioner as well as a life coach and empowerment counsellor. Alison has always used positive affirmations within her healing work and often wrote these and other short inspiring verses in order to help and encourage people going through difficult life changes. For Alison, writing has formed part of the process of emotional healing and she has used it as a means of expressing her deeper feelings and frustrations. Having been adopted at the age of 6 weeks and raised an only child, she struggled with relationships, and found the idiosyncrasies of society difficult to comprehend. Unable to verbally express her deepest feelings, Alison sought solace in writing and expressing her feelings with pen and paper. She has been writing books for some years however is yet to complete one! Meanwhile Alison felt inspired to return to writing poetry and has now put together her first collection into a book which she has called Indigo Moods.
Alison believes strongly that we each create our own reality and through her work she aspires to empower people to find and follow their own truth.
Alison identifies with the term Indigo Child aka Indigo (One who is empathic, and strong willed with a sense of purpose and spiritual awareness. One who feels different and struggles to ‘fit in’. Such children in today’s society are often labelled as Autistic and/or defined as having Attention Deficit Disorder).
Alison hopes that her words will resonate with others, especially those who also feel alienated at times.