Writing Competition
This August we are launching our first ever writing competition! We are looking for short stories to be compiled into one book and then published before the end of the year.
The idea of this competition is for a bit of fun, and to highlight future talent.
The entry is free, and the prize is to be a published writer! We will choose our top 10 (more if they are on the short side) which will feature in this book, and we will even add a photo and bio of the winners too.
Christmas in August!?!?!
This it the topic for the short stories - anything related to Christmas, or whatever you celebrate. It can be a traditional Christmas with all the trimmings - including the family feuds. It can be on a beach in the Bahamas if you prefer. It can be any genre.
The stories must be no more than 5,000 words long.
Work must be typed into a MS Word doc, and must up to grammar, punctuation and spelling expectations.
No 'isms' - racism, sexism.. and all the rest.
No extremely foul language or explicit content.
Must be original to you, and not previously published elsewhere. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
The judges' decision is final.
The winning stories will be featured in a compilation book, and winners will be able to buy reduced-price copies to give to friends and relatives, or to sell.
Competition is open to new and established authors - just check with your publisher if you have one, to make sure they don't mind!
We will be selling the book once published. The writers waive all rights to any profits for these. 10% of the profit from each book that we sell we be donated to charity. Charity nominations are welcomed.
Must be submitted by 7th September 2024.
Send submissions to: lisacatgreener@gmail.com and title them 'Xmas' (you can use this email for any queries/regular submissions too)

original illustrations are also welcomed, especially for the front cover, and will be credited accordingly.